4-H Events and Activities

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Spring Major Sheep and Goat Validation of Texas Updates

Sheep and Goat Validation of Texas Updates

Below are a few reminders about sheep and goat validation as you prepare your validation orders and getting your projects ready for October Validation dates.  Please remember I need those validation order forms back by Tomorrow, August 24th:

  1. All sheep and goats, market and breeding, will be tagged with RFID validation tags this year.  There is one type tag, one color.  The validation order asks for each division of sheep and goats so that the appropriate validation forms can be mailed with your order, ie. Forms, nose print cards, etc.
  2. The following is an explanation of the different categories for ordering validation material:
    1. Market Lambs – Will use the Market Lamb and Goat Validation Form.  Can include lambs and goats on the same form.  One per Family.
    2. Market Goats - Will use the Market Lamb and Goat Validation Form.  Can include lambs and goats on the same form.  One per Family.
    3. Breeding Sheep – Registered breeding sheep, must have registration papers attached to the validation form, so that I can upload to the online validation system (MUST BE A CLEAR COLOR COPY!!).  They will be tagged this year with a state validation RFID tag.  So papers must be in hand and sheep AT THE VALIDATION!! They will use the breeding sheep and goat validation form.   Form can contain breeding sheep, wether dams, breeding goats, wether does on the same form, one per exhibitor.
                              Hill Country District Livestock Show
                              San Angelo Stock Show
                              San Antonio Stock Show
                              Houston Stock Show
    1. Wether Dams – unregistered breeding sheep, do not have to have papers.  They will also be tagged but do not require a registration paper.  They will use the breeding sheep and goat validation form.  Form can contain breeding sheep, wether dams, breeding goats, wether does on the same form, one per exhibitor.
                              San Angelo Wether Dam Show
                              San Antonio Wether Dam Show
    1. Breeding Goats – registered breeding goats, must have registration papers attached to the validation form so that I can upload to the online validation system.  They will be tagged this year with a state validation RFID tag. They will use the breeding sheep and goat validation form.  Form can contain breeding sheep, wether dams, breeding goats, wether does on the same form, one per exhibitor.
                                San Angelo Stock Show
                              San Antonio Stock Show
    1. Wether Does – unregistered breeding goats, do not have to have papers.  They will also be tagged but do not require a registration paper.  They will use the breeding sheep and goat validation form.   Form can contain breeding sheep, wether dams, breeding goats, wether does on the same form, one per exhibitor.
San Angelo Stock Show
               San Antonio Stock Show
  1. The ownership deadline for breeding sheep AND breeding Goats is October 1st.  Purchase, delivery, possession and registration must all take place on or before Oct. 1, 2017
  2. There are two types of validation forms:
    1. Market Animal Validation Form – For all market lambs and market goats.  One form for each family with all market lambs and market goats on the same form.
    2. Breeding Animal Validation Form – For all registered breeding sheep, wether dams, registered boer breeding goats, and wether does.  One form for each exhibitor with all their breeding sheep and goats on the same form.
  3. Breeding animals cannot be double validated.  A ewe can be validated as a registered breeding sheep or a wether dam, but not both.  A doe can be validated as a registered boer breeding goat or a wether doe, but not both.
  4. All validated animals will be recorded on the online validation system after completion of physical validation:  https://www.texaslivestockvalidation.com/Index.aspx  Registration papers for breeding sheep and goats should be uploaded to the online validation system by the validation chairperson.  Nose prints will be uploaded to the online system by state validation staff.
  5. Please make your chapter families aware that an email stating that their validated animal is up and it MAY contain by Kaufman County 4-H.  That in NO WAY MEANS THAT THEY ARE IN 4-H.  I had some very interesting and uncomfortable discussions with some parents that called the extension office after the last market lamb and market goat validation. 

Please share this information with your families so that they are TOTALLY prepared for the date selected for validation.  Should you have any questions about the validation program for sheep or goats, please feel free to contact me.

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