Electronic submission of intent forms will be available the first week of July and remain open until 175 intent forms have been received or Oct. 1, 2015, the deadline for original scale tickets to be submitted, whichever comes first. Once an exhibitor has received confirmation of the intent form being received, exhibitors may purchase steers and mail in original scale tickets for the 2016 Junior Commercial Steer Feeding Management Contest. Each pen of steers will consist of 3 steers as in past years.
Additional information regarding the entry intent form will be sent electronically to AST/CEA's and past Junior Commercial Steer exhibitors in June. The information will include instructions for the entry intent form submission, the link to the submission page, and the date and time that the form will be available.
Should you want to be a new exhibitors for 2016, please contact me so that we can get on the list for "new exhibitors"