The word is OUT!!! Look here to start planning for the District Contests! We will know more on dates and District Rules after September....
The State 4-H Office along
with our contest superintendents are working to finalize the 2019-2020 Texas
4-H Roundup Guide and specific contest rules and guidelines. You have received
several updates already directly from Dr. Gardner related to Food Challenge,
Food Show and Healthy Lifestyles. These along with other contest updates that
are finalized have been posted to our website at
You can expect to have the
updated Roundup Guide by August 12th. Also as announced July
2018, our Beef and Swine Quiz Bowls will be will be transitioning to a
Livestock Quiz Bowl and Nutrition Quiz Bowl will become an FCH Quiz Bowl. Our
goal is to have the Resource information released August 12th as
well. We realize many Districts host fall contest therefore we are doing our
due diligence to get everything updated as soon as possible so that you may be
able to share with coaches and members.