If you were using the Online 4H Reporting system for the record books you will need to log in and retrieve your reports by December 31st.
4hreports.com – due to the site not being available in October for final data retrieval, the site will be kept live until December 31, 2015. Please note, however, there is a new url:http://blueuprising.com/4Hreports/index.aspx
Please access this site only to download and retrieve existing data. Do NOT create new files. The site will cease to operate December 31, 2015. There will be no further extensions.
4-H Events and Activities
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Monday, November 16, 2015
County Workshops
Clothing and Textile Workshop – Nov 21st
Come join the council members and 4-H Clothing leaders for
some fun with the Clothing and Textile Workshop on November 21st
from 1-5 pm at the extension office.
We will be making pillow cases to give to the children’s
shelter, learn how to make neat towel animals, great snack and a demonstration
on some of the district contests coming up. RSVP by November 17th,
to make sure we have enough supplies for everyone.
Food and Nutrition Workshops- Dec 12th
Hold the dates for December 12th from 9 am to 12
pm at the Extension Office for the Food and Nutrition Workshop. Katie Phillips,
CEA-FCS will be teaching cost comparison, wet and dry measuring and some
holiday cheer with baking sugar cookies and popcorn balls. Please bring an apron or old shirt to wear in
case we get to having a little too much fun!
Must RSVP by Tuesday, December 8th so that we can buy supplies for the
2016 County Fair Validation and Entry Night
Kaufman County 4-H will hold their County validation and
County Fair entry night on December 17th at the showgrounds. We will be tagging in Goats, and Lambs and
finalizing entries for the county fair.
Market Goats and Market Lambs will be using the 2016 spring
major tag for validation for the county fair.
Steers and Commercial Heifers have been validated and entered in
Entry Forms will be loaded on the county website -
Note a change this year will be making a check to the 4H
Council instead of KCJLS.
District IV 4-H Photography Contest
-4-H Connect registration opens January 1, 2016
-4-H Connect registration closes midnight, January 31,
-Judging will take place during the month of February
-Results will be emailed to County Extension Offices in
-Awards will be distributed to County Extension Offices
Each participating member is required to register on 4-H
Connect and pay the district contest registration fee. When registering
on 4-H Connect, you will be assessed a $10.00 fee when you select your first
entry. Subsequent entries are an additional $0.50 per photo.
Participants must be active 4-H members enrolled in a Texas
4-H and Youth Development county program in District IV.
Age divisions are determined by a participant’s
grade as of September 1 of the current 4-H year. Age divisions for
this contest are:
JUNIOR – 3RD (minimum age of 8), 4TH, OR 5TH
SENIOR – 9th, 10th, 11th,
or 12th (maximum age of 18)
Photo Categories
4-H Projects
Farm & Ranch
Leading Lines
Shadow/Silhouette (now a combined category)
Water (any form)
Descriptions are
outlined online at http://d44-h.tamu.edu/district-events/photography/.
Number of Entries
Each member may enter one photo per category for a maximum
of 8 photos. There are no limits on how many photos a county can enter.
Entry Process
All photos must be uploaded through 4-H Connect at the time
of registration. Please read the following submission rules carefully to
avoid disqualification of entries.
Formatting the
Photographs should be taken at the highest resolution
possible. Photographs must be in a .jpeg, .jpg, or .gif format.
Files submitted may not be larger than 2,048k (2MB). There is
no minimum size requirement, however, your photograph must be large enough
that it can be clearly evaluated for the contest (i.e. if it is too small,
it can be disqualified).
Council News
Council News
Council Meeting
The next 4-H Council Meeting will be held Tuesday, November
17th, 6:30 pm at the Extension Office. Bring
canned food to help the Kaufman Christian Help Center.
Texas 4H website!!
The Texas 4H Website went under construction and came out
brand new! But with construction if you save any links from the old site you
may have to search for the new links. We
are working to fix the most used links on our County Website but it will take some
time. We are working on it J
The New Year Begins
Club Meeting Schedule for the 2015-2016 4-H Year
STEM Club – December 3rd, 2015, (1st
Thursday of Month), meeting will be at the Kaufman County Show Grounds at 6:30
pm but the regular monthly meetings will be at the Extension Office. The Short
Term Project Club focuses only on the STEM and Robotics projects. Club Manager – Angela Pagel
Crandall 4-H – December 8th (2nd
Tuesday of Month), Crandall Community Room, 6:30 pm Community Club focusing on
the total 4-H program. Club Manager –
Jennifer Hiser
Council –November 17th, (3rd Tuesday
of Month) and this month will be at the County Extension Office, 6:30 pm. We will be bringing supplies for the County
Liners meeting for their Community Service Project making Boxes for the
ShelterKidz program and canned goods for the Christion Help Center collection. For all 4-H Teen Leaders that are 13 – 18
years old. This Youth Board teaches
leadership and team building to teen leaders.
And assists with bringing all of the clubs together and keeping everyone
in touch with the Kaufman County 4-H Program
Livestock Project Club – November 19th
Showgrounds. 6:30 pm DOWN IN THE SHOW
ARENA!! ALL animal projects (rabbit,
cattle, swine, lambs, goats, dairy and horses.) meet during this time. We will be talking about entries for the
county fair. Bring your goats, lambs,
heifers, rabbits, and steers for showmanship practice. The youth then have a short meeting by
dividing out to their specific projects for fun.
County Liners 4-H – November 24th, (4th
Tuesday of Month) County Showgrounds Women’s Building. 6:30 pm Community Club focusing on the total 4-H
Program. The County Liners meeting for their Community Service Project making
Boxes for the ShelterKidz program.
Suggested items for boys and girls
ages 3 to 14 include: jumbo crayons,
plastic animals/cars/toys (3”-5”), puzzles, small coloring/activity books, slinkys,
hand-held games, card games, plastic watches, plastic jewelry, pocket
calculators, small stuffed animals, soft balls, play-doh, bubbles, cheap
sunglasses, musical toys.
December Meeting will be at the Stechers Barn.Club
Managers – Vicki Stecher and Steve Rattan
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
District IV 4-H Photography Contest
- 4-H Connect registration opens January 1, 2016
- 4-H Connect registration closes midnight, January 31, 2016
- Judging will take place during the month of February
- Results will be emailed to County Extension Offices in March
- Awards will be distributed to County Extension Offices
Each participating member is required to register on 4-H Connect and pay the district contest registration fee. When registering on 4-H Connect, you will be assessed a $10.00 fee when you select your first entry. Subsequent entries are an additional $0.50 per photo.
Participants must be active 4-H members enrolled in a Texas 4-H and Youth Development county program in District IV.
Age divisions are determined by a participant’s grade as of September 1 of the current 4-H year. Age divisions for this contest are:
Junior | 3rd, 4th or 5th grade (minimum age of 8) | |
Intermediate | 6th, 7th or 8th grade | |
Senior | 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade (maximum age of 18) |
Photo Categories
- 4-H Projects
- Farm & Ranch
- Food
- Leading Lines
- Panorama
- Shadow/Silhouette (now a combined category)
- Water (any form)
Descriptions are outlined online at http://d44-h.tamu.edu/district-events/photography/.
Number of Entries
Each member may enter one photo per category for a maximum of 8 photos. There are no limits on how many photos a county can enter.
Entry Process
All photos must be uploaded through 4-H Connect at the time of registration. Please read the following submission rules carefully to avoid disqualification of entries.
Formatting the Photograph
Photographs should be taken at the highest resolution possible. Photographs must be in a .jpeg, .jpg, or .gif format. Files submitted may not be larger than 2,048k (2MB). There is no minimum size requirement, however, your photograph must be large enough that it can be clearly evaluated for the contest (i.e. if it is too small, it can be disqualified).
2016 Texas 4-H Roundup Guide
The 2016 Texas 4-H Roundup Guide has been released. You can download a copy of the guide at Texas4-h.tamu.edu/Roundup, as well as find contest resources as they become available.
Virtual Volunteer Conference: November 17th & 18th
The Texas 4-H Youth Development Program is hosting another Virtual Volunteer Conference on November 17th and 18th. A schedule for the online trainings is available at: http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/volunteer . All trainings will be held online via WebEx and will be recorded. There is no need for volunteers to pre-register, and there is no registration fee required to participate. Volunteers will simply click on the appropriate link that corresponds with the training they want to attend, and they will be directed to the training.
4-H Classes Added to the Ft Worth Stock Llama Show
The Ft. Worth Stock Show has created four classes specific for 4-H and FFA youth at their 2016 Llama Show! This is great news for 4-H youth that participate in the 4-H Llama Project. To learn more, visit the Ft Worth Stock show website and/or review their premium book starting on p. 169.
Registration is now open for the 2016 4-H Family Archery Camp!
This camp will be held January 22-24, 2016 at the Texas 4-H Conference Center on Lake Brownwood.
The 2016 Camp has evolved into a ‘family style’ camp meaning Mom and Dad (or other family adults) will attend along with their kids and learn the same knowledge and skills. See the attached document for all details.
The registration process will go through the Texas 4-H Conference Center website (http://texas4hcenter.tamu.edu/)
· Registration will be open November 9th through December 31st
Friday, October 23, 2015
Congratulations to Rallye Erwin for winning the Week 10 drawing on October 21, 2015.
Kaufman County 4-H Council would like to thank everyone for there support of the Kaufman County 4-H Program.
Kaufman County 4-H Council would like to thank everyone for there support of the Kaufman County 4-H Program.
Monday, October 19, 2015
IMPORTANT!!!! Record Book Changes for 2015-2016
Changes for 2015-2016
www.4hreports.com is no longer available; retrieve any stored data before October 31, 2015
Record Books submitted for judging in 2016 are to be completed using the Microsoft Word forms found at texas4-h.tamu.edu
Member categories Junior (grades 3-5) * Intermediate (grades 6-8) * Senior (grades 9-12)
Clarification on reporting of learning experiences. Activities that occur in non-4-H settings such as other community or youth organizations, or in a self-directed project may be reported in the Junior Diary, Intermediate Personal Journal or Senior Section I as learning experiences.
All competitive events outside of 4-H are to be reported as non-4-H.
4-H members winning first place in a record book category may enter that same category again.
NEW!! Livestock Judging can be reported as a 4-H project. Other judging contest activities will continue to be reported within the 4-H Project it supports. (Whereas Horse Judging supports the Horse Project, Livestock judging involves multiple species; thus it can be reported as a stand-alone project.)
Categories — Dairy, Housing & Home Environment and Safety have been eliminated as a stand-alone category in 2015-16. Agricultural Sciences has been added. Please see category descriptions, efforts have been made to ensure the books in the eliminated categories have a place to enter.
Other items to note:
Personal Information Page (required, but not judged) available as a fillable PDF
Junior Books — current year’s report form only
Intermediate books — include prior year’s report forms as part of the overall evaluation
Senior books — include three year’s prior report forms as part of the overall evaluation
www.4hreports.com is no longer available; retrieve any stored data before October 31, 2015
Record Books submitted for judging in 2016 are to be completed using the Microsoft Word forms found at texas4-h.tamu.edu
Member categories Junior (grades 3-5) * Intermediate (grades 6-8) * Senior (grades 9-12)
Clarification on reporting of learning experiences. Activities that occur in non-4-H settings such as other community or youth organizations, or in a self-directed project may be reported in the Junior Diary, Intermediate Personal Journal or Senior Section I as learning experiences.
All competitive events outside of 4-H are to be reported as non-4-H.
4-H members winning first place in a record book category may enter that same category again.
NEW!! Livestock Judging can be reported as a 4-H project. Other judging contest activities will continue to be reported within the 4-H Project it supports. (Whereas Horse Judging supports the Horse Project, Livestock judging involves multiple species; thus it can be reported as a stand-alone project.)
Categories — Dairy, Housing & Home Environment and Safety have been eliminated as a stand-alone category in 2015-16. Agricultural Sciences has been added. Please see category descriptions, efforts have been made to ensure the books in the eliminated categories have a place to enter.
Other items to note:
Personal Information Page (required, but not judged) available as a fillable PDF
Junior Books — current year’s report form only
Intermediate books — include prior year’s report forms as part of the overall evaluation
Senior books — include three year’s prior report forms as part of the overall evaluation
New Consumer Decision Making Categories for 2015-2016 Now Available
The 2015-2016 Consumer Decision Making Categories and Descriptions have been updated and are available at
Changes to Project Activities This Week
This is an UPDATE for this weeks activities. We have had some changes in the schedule due to location conflicts and speaker resource needs.
Validation for Spring Majors - Thurday, October 22nd
This validation is for the 2015 FT Worth, San Antonio, Houston, San Angelo, and Austin livestock shows. You will have HAD to request and PAID for a tag to be validated in for the Market Lambs, Market Goats, Breeding Sheep, and New Breeding Heifers. The Validation will take place on Thursday, October 22nd starting at 4 pm at the showgrounds in Kaufman. Please make sure you are available to be there WITH a parent to sign the ethics and validation forms. Breeding heifers and Breeding Sheep need to have their original papers present at the validation.
Kaufman Scarecrow Festival Booth - October 24th
Due to the low signup for volunteers for the booth for this coming Saturday we are not hosting a booth for the Kaufman Scarecrow Festival. We have a great turn out for the Wetlands Celebration and reached out to more than 500 people about 4-H! So we are fore going this coming weekend.
Outdoor Education Camp Out - October 24-25th
We have changed the camp Out for the Outdoor Education project youth to Saturday, October 24th starting at 3 pm. We will camp out at the Carrie's House in Scurry. You HAVE to RSVP by Thursday, at 1 pm to be able to come. Those that RSVP will receive the needs list to participate (List will include tent, sleeping bag, etc.) 4-H'ers 12 years and younger will need to have a chaperone with them to be able to spend the night.
Validation for Spring Majors - Thurday, October 22nd
This validation is for the 2015 FT Worth, San Antonio, Houston, San Angelo, and Austin livestock shows. You will have HAD to request and PAID for a tag to be validated in for the Market Lambs, Market Goats, Breeding Sheep, and New Breeding Heifers. The Validation will take place on Thursday, October 22nd starting at 4 pm at the showgrounds in Kaufman. Please make sure you are available to be there WITH a parent to sign the ethics and validation forms. Breeding heifers and Breeding Sheep need to have their original papers present at the validation.
Kaufman Scarecrow Festival Booth - October 24th
Due to the low signup for volunteers for the booth for this coming Saturday we are not hosting a booth for the Kaufman Scarecrow Festival. We have a great turn out for the Wetlands Celebration and reached out to more than 500 people about 4-H! So we are fore going this coming weekend.
Outdoor Education Camp Out - October 24-25th
We have changed the camp Out for the Outdoor Education project youth to Saturday, October 24th starting at 3 pm. We will camp out at the Carrie's House in Scurry. You HAVE to RSVP by Thursday, at 1 pm to be able to come. Those that RSVP will receive the needs list to participate (List will include tent, sleeping bag, etc.) 4-H'ers 12 years and younger will need to have a chaperone with them to be able to spend the night.
Friday, October 09, 2015
Congratulations to Week 7 4-H Council Fundraiser winner Rallye Erwin was September 30, 2015 lucky winner.
Congratulations to Week 8 4-H Council Fundraiser winner Phillip Vanderford was October 7, 2015 lucky winner.
Thank you so much to our winners for supporting the Kaufman County 4-H Program.
Congratulations to Week 7 4-H Council Fundraiser winner Rallye Erwin was September 30, 2015 lucky winner.
Congratulations to Week 8 4-H Council Fundraiser winner Phillip Vanderford was October 7, 2015 lucky winner.
Thank you so much to our winners for supporting the Kaufman County 4-H Program.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Don’t Miss Out District IV! Applications due October 12th!
We are SO excited for our trip to Scotland and Ireland, and we know you are
We wanted to remind you that the application due date to lock in the lowest price is October 12th. Enrolling now with
only $95 will secure your spot, and lock in the lowest price (a lot of people
will be calling in to enroll, so going online to the tour website will probably
be the quickest method of enrollment).
can enroll online: http://www.eftours.com/17775918SM or by calling 1-800-665-5364 and referencing our
group’s tour number, 177759918SM. WebEx meeting for you and your families to discuss
details about the trip and to help answer any questions is scheduled for October 5th at 10 am and 6:30 pm. Watch the Facebook for a separate WebEx meeting invitation.
contact me if you have any questions at Carrie Sharp (cl-sharp@tamu.edu) or Derrick Bruton (d-bruton@tamu.edu)
We are excited and looking forward to having you on tour!
Thursday, September 24, 2015
New Clubs off to a great start!!! If you like Guitars or Golf they have something for you!
The Kaufman County Guitar Spin Club will meet next Monday, September 28th, at 6:30 p.m. at the extension office. Please send Kristen an email at kristenjwoods@gmail.com to let her know if you will be attending that meeting.
The Kaufman County Golf Spin Club will meet next Tuesday, September 29th, at 6:30 p.m. at the extension office. Please send Carrie Sharp an email at cl-sharp@tamu.edu to let her know if you will be attending that meeting. This will help Ralph Davis plan for the meeting.
The Kaufman County Golf Spin Club will meet next Tuesday, September 29th, at 6:30 p.m. at the extension office. Please send Carrie Sharp an email at cl-sharp@tamu.edu to let her know if you will be attending that meeting. This will help Ralph Davis plan for the meeting.
Congratulations to Week 6 4-H Council Fundraiser Drawing!!!!
Congratulations to Week 6 4-H Council Fundraiser Drawing!!!! Phyllis Wise is this weeks lucky winner!!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
District IV 4-H and Kaufman County 4-H going to Scotland in 2017!!!
For more information on the sites go to www.eftours.com/1775918SM and see what ALL we will be seeing!!
For more information after you visit the very cool website email -
Derrick Bruton - District IV 4-H Specialist - d-bruton@tamu.edu
Carrie Sharp - Kaufman County 4-H - cl-sharp@tamu.edu
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Congratulations to Week 5 Drawing!!!
Congratulations to James Cox of Kennedale for the week 5 drawing from September 15th!!
Here is the times that Kaufman County 4-H'ers will be showing off their projects at the State Fair of Texas. Come out and Cheer them on!!!
Wednesday, September
Thursday, October 1
Saturday, October 10
Sunday, October
Friday, October
Daniel – Berksire Brooke Horton – Hampshire
Horton – Duroc Jacob Reznicek – Chester, Duroc, Cross
Ann Rhodes - Berkshire
Sunday, September 27
8:00 AM Southwest
National Junior Breeding Gilt Show
– Poland China, Spotted, Berkshire,
Chester White, Landrace, Duroc, Hampshire, Yorkshire, and Commercial Breeding
Beth Beam – 3 Prospect Steers, Jessica Crawford – Simmi Steer
Gosnell - Prospect Steers Rebekah
Jo Gosnell – Prospect Steers, Market Steer Emily Matthews – Market Lamb
Jacob Reznicek – Market Barrow Jaylyn Arrington - Market
Wednesday, September
8:00 AM Youth Market Barrow Show (Black OPB, followed by White OPB,
Duroc, Hampshire and Yorkshire) Swine Arena
9:00 AM Youth Prospect Steer Show (Angus, Red Angus, Hereford, Polled Hereford, Shorthorn,
Brahman, Brangus, Santa Gertrudis,
Simbrah, ABC, Charolais, Chianina,
Limousin, Maine-Anjou, Simmental and AOB) Livestock Judging Pavilion – East
12:00 PM Youth Market Lamb Show(or
30 minutes following Goat Show) Livestock Judging Pavilion – West
Thursday, October 1
8:00 AM Youth Market Steer Show (British,
American, and AOB)
Livestock Judging Pavilion – West
Youth Market Barrow
(Dark Crosses followed
by other Crosses) Swine Arena
Wednesday, October 7
Mary Beth Beam Garret Roffino Keller
8:00 AM 4x4
4-H Chute Out Competition Livestock Judging Pavilion
Bowden – Angus Justin
Jenkins – Shorthorn, Maine Anjou
Jenkins - ORB, Maine Anjou Khloe Smiley – Polled Hereford
Crawford – Simmental Heifer Justin Jenkins – Simmental
Saturday, October 10
8:00 AM Youth Breeding Rabbit Show Poultry
10:00 AM Youth Polled Hereford, followed by Hereford, Angus
and Shorthorn Heifer Show Livestock Judging Pavilion – West
Sunday, October
8:00 AM Youth Charolais, followed by Limousin, Maine Anjou, Chianina, and ORB Heifer Show Livestock Judging Pavilion – West
Breeding Rabbits Show Poultry Building
Friday, October
Hannah Celella – Dorper Abby Celella – Dorper
10:00 AM Pan-Am Dorper Sheep Show Swine Arena
Saturday, October 17
James Easton Foster – Jersey Dairy Cattle Montana Foster – Jersey Dairy Cattle
9:00 AM Youth
Dairy Cattle Show Livestock Judging Pavilion – East
Sunday, October 18
9:00 AM Youth Simmental, followed by Simbrah, Brangus and
Beef Heifer Show Livestock Judging Pavilion – West
Dairy Cattle Show Livestock Judging Pavilion – East
10:00 AM Youth
Sheep Show and Showmanship
County Liners 4-H Garage Sale
County Liners 4-H club is hosting a garage sale to help raise funds for their scholarship and community service projects. If you would like to donate items to their garage sale please contact Vicki Stecher or Steve Rattan.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Shooting Sports Project Meeting
We have had so much interest in the Shooting Sports project that we are having to split the meeting time in half. The lesson for this meeting will be Safety the first safety class is scheduled for1:00 -3:00 pm and the second safety class will be 3:00 - 5:00 pm.
Please bring your guns in a Hard Case and with an OBI safety device for a safety check and gun fit.
Call coach Kelly Crawford at 214-676-6246 to schedule your class time and with any questions.
Please bring your guns in a Hard Case and with an OBI safety device for a safety check and gun fit.
Call coach Kelly Crawford at 214-676-6246 to schedule your class time and with any questions.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
The Drawing Winners are IN!!!
The Drawing Winners are IN!!!
Week 3 - September 2nd - Mike Smith
Week 4 - September 9th - Tina Burkhart!!!
Congratulations and Thank you for supporting our youth in Kaufman County 4-H!!!
Week 3 - September 2nd - Mike Smith
Week 4 - September 9th - Tina Burkhart!!!
Congratulations and Thank you for supporting our youth in Kaufman County 4-H!!!
Friday, August 28, 2015
Hold the Date!! Food and Nutrition Workshops in the Making!
Hold the Date!! Food
and Nutrition Workshops in the Making!
Hold the dates for December 19th and January 9th
for Food and Nutrition Workshop. Katie Phillips, CEA-FCS is cooking up some tasty
fun is just a few months away!! More
Info to come.
Hold the Date!!!Clothing and Textile Workshop – Nov 21st
Hold the Date!!!Clothing and Textile Workshop – Nov 21st
Come join the council members and 4-H Clothing leaders
for some fun with the Clothing and Textile Workshop on November 21st
from 1-5 pm at the extension office. More Information will come but I hear that
there may be some Towel Animals, Quilting Blocks, some trash bag fun and some
sewing to boot!! Save the date for some
sewing fun!!
Fall Dog Project Workshop and Show
Fall Dog Project Workshop and Show
Kaufman County 4-H Dog Project Leaders and Teen Leaders will
be hosting a Fall Show Series. Entry fee
is $5.00 per class. (Late entries $10.00 per class. This dog show is open to youth 8 and in 3rd
grade to 18 years of age. One does not
need to be a member of 4-H to participate; however classes are aligned with the
Texas 4-H Dog show and AKC rules. Youth
may exhibit one dog (mixed breed or purebred) in each class which is owned by
the youth or the immediate family. No
viscous dogs allowed. Management reserves the right to excuse any Dog or person
showing unsafe or objectionable behavior in the arena or on the grounds.
Dates for the shows are –
September 5th, October 3rd, November 7th
Held at the Kaufman County Showgrounds with registration at
8 am and the workshops starting at 9 am.
Kaufman County 4-H Shooting Sports Project
Kaufman County 4-H Shooting Sports Project
It is starting to cool off and so the Rifle and Archery
projects are getting ready to kick back off.
If you are new to the Shooting Sports Project please call the extension
office. Below is the schedule for the
Practices for this fall.
After the first meeting on September 20th we will
divide up the groups into shooting crews to stagger the youth coming in.
September 20th – 1-5 PM at the showgrounds
October 25th – 1-5 pm at the showgrounds
November 8th and 22nd – 1-5 pm at the
December 13th – 1-5 pm at the showgrounds
For a fun weekend activity we will have a “camp out” at my
place in Scurry on October 23-24th. You will need a tent and a
sleeping bag and maybe some snacks. More Info to come.
NEW!! and IMPORTANT!! 2016 Spring Heifer Verification
2016 Spring Heifer Verification
Spring Show Heifer Verification is for the 2016 Spring Major
Stock Shows (Fort Worth, San Antonio, Houston, Star of Texas, and San Angelo)
junior heifer shows.
Important Dates:
· *NEW Deadline to order a UIN September 11th, 2015 Texas Heifer Validation UIN Order Period. $10.00 per UIN you pay just like ordering a
tag for markets now so don’t guess how many heifers you might have you will pay
for how many you will ACTUALLY validate in.
· A Color copy
set of papers MUST be turned in WITH the tag order.
* Heifers validated
last fall or this summer will not be validated unless there has been a change
in breed or ownership.
Are you interested in learning about golf or learning to
play golf? Ralph Davis, CEA-Ag and NR is
looking for some young people to give this new project a go. We are setting up for our first meeting September
29th at 6:30 pm at the Extension Office. So if you are interested please call in to
get on the list. The first meeting will
be Golf 101 so you will not even need clubs for the first meeting. Just come in to see what it is all about.
NEW SPIN Club!! Guitar Spin Club
4-H council member Kristen Woods is looking for some fun 4-H
members that would like to get together and learn playing the guitar. We are looking at the 2nd Monday
of September the 14th at 4:30
pm here at the Extension. Come on in for
some fun!!!
Council News
Council News
Council Meeting
The next 4-H Council Meeting will be held Tuesday, September
15th, 6:30 pm at the Extension Office.
The New Year Begins
Club Meeting Schedule for the 2015-2016 4-H Year
STEM Club – September 3, 2015, (1st
Thursday of Month), first meeting will be at the Kaufman County Show Grounds at
6:30 pm but the regular monthly meetings will be at the Extension Office. The
Short Term Project Club focuses only on the STEM and Robotics projects. Club Manager – Angela Pagel
Crandall 4-H – September 8th (2nd
Tuesday of Month), Crandall Community Room, 6:30 pm Community Club focusing on
the total 4-H program. Club Manager –
Jennifer Hiser
Council – September 15th, (3rd
Tuesday of Month) Extension Office, 6:30 pm For all 4-H Teen Leaders that are
13 – 18 years old. This Youth Board
teaches leadership and team building to teen leaders. And assists with bringing all of the clubs
together and keeping everyone in touch with the Kaufman County 4-H Program
Livestock Project Club – September 17th (3rd
Thursday of Month), Showgrounds. 6:30 pm ALL animal projects (rabbit, cattle,
swine, lambs, goats, dairy and horses.) meet during this time. The meetings start with team building for the
youth and the adults meeting to get dates and information about up coming
deadlines. The youth then have a short
meeting by dividing out to their specific projects for fun.
County Liners 4-H – September 22nd,
(4th Tuesday of Month) Extension Office. 6:30 pm Community Club focusing on the total 4-H
Program. Club Managers – Vicki Stecher and Steve Rattan
Instructions for 4H Connect
Attached to the newsletter is the Instructions on navigating
through the 4-H website to re-enroll or if you are a 1st time
member. Remember that if you have any
questions call the extension office to get some help and if you competed in the
recordbook be looking for your award for completion when you check out. Members that completed a record book to a
score of 80 received $10.00 off their membership. Those that qualified for District Competition
will received $20.00 for their efforts in the Record Book program.
Council Fund Raiser!!!
The County Council drawing has STARTED on Wednesday 19th. Keep watch on the Facebook and the Blog for
the winning numbers!!
Prizes Available are….
Week 1 – Marlin Lever Action 30-30 Cal
to Mrs Horton first winner!!
Week 2 – 2 Mountain Bikes
to Ms Hilliard second week winner
Week 3 – Winchester SXP 12 ga Wood stock
Week 4 – Sony Alpha A3000 Digital Camera
Week 5 – Remington 700 30-06 cal Synthetic Stock
Week 6 – 42: LED Television
Week 7 – Glock 17/9mm pistol
Week 8 – 16 Gigabyte iPad Air
Week 9 – Night Vision Scope Photon XT
Week 10 – A Day at the Wall Family Christmas Tree Farm for
Proceeds will go to
benefit the Kaufman County 4-H Council Scholarship Fund.
Flyer of the weeks
prizes is attached to this newsletter.
One day 4-H is one day for
all the 4-H members, parents, leaders, and volunteers to step out into their
communities and county and say “thank you” by giving back for them more than
103 years of support to 4-H in Texas. This day of community service is whatever
each 4-H members, club, or county 4-H Program wants it to be. It could be as
simple as picking up trash and mowing the lawn for senior citizens to elaborate
as hosting a 5K Walk/Run and raising money for a cause. Get your club together
and register just how you are going to make a difference in your community!!
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